ATLust characters are what you use to interact with other ATLust players. They contain your name, species info and just about every other unique piece of information. Each player will start out with a basic 'Female Human' character which they can modify into whatever they want. Players also start out with 5 character slots, allowing them to create up to 4 other characters before needing to purchase more slots. Pregnancies will create child characters, which can be turned into playable characters by "activating" them. This effectively ages them up. Activating also makes the character only available to the one who activated it.
To create a new character, open your Characters list on the website. Scroll to the bottom of the characters list and look for the "New" button. Select the character template you want to start out with and then click the New button. This will take you to the Character Editor Page which will let you customize your new character. Each bit of information you change is automatically saved. However, if there is a Floppy Disk/Save icon near the setting, you may want to click it before leaving the page as not every change may be recognized before you navigate away. Once your new character is ready, it will not become your active character until you manually switch to it. Back on the home page and in the Characters list, click the Check Mark icon next to your new character.
If you wish to delete a character, find it in the characters list and click the trash can icon next to it. Deleting a character will eventually break relationship links once its data is permanently erased from the database (This currently takes up to 6 months, but is subject to change). However, it will immediately free up a character slot.
LASH is the stats that affect how your character performs.
Lust: (0 - 100%) How much your character wants sex. This is increased by being around attractive characters, being teased by other players, and by other factors such as heat/rut.
Arousal: (0 - 100%) This is how close to climax your character is. This is increased by having sex and receiving play actions, and drops after climax or no longer having sex. How quickly it rises is determined by sensitivity.
Sensitivity: (0 - 500%) This is how sensitive your character is. A higher sensitivity means arousal increases more quickly. This can be increased or decreased by factors such as heat/rut and infections.
Health: (0 - 100%) This is an overall modifier for your stats. It is affected by things such as infections. 100% is normal health. Low health can lower your characters ability to please others and chance to get pregnant or impregnate others.
Title: Which title you wish your character to have. (Titles are earned, come back to this setting once you earn some!)
Description: A brief description of your character.
Gender: The gender identity of your character. You may specify your own, or choose from the defaults (Male, Female, Hermaphrodite, Androgynous)
Height: The height (In meters) of your character. Use the included height tool to measure your SL avatars height.
Species Identity: The species which your character most closely identifies with. This does not affect species compatibility. If left blank, a detailed list of your species data will be used instead.
Photo: A Second Life texture UUID of a photo of your character. This is optional.
Appearance: How masculine (Lower number) or feminine (Higher number) your character appears.
Male Rut: If enabled, your character will go into a "Rut" at random times. This increases lust gain, cum production, and reduces the refactory period. If pheromones is enabled, your character will emit pheromones which will cause nearby females to gain lust. (Females with no regular fertility cycle will also begin to ovulate!)
Female Heat: If enabled, your character will go into "Heat" at random times. This increases lust gain, begins ovulation. If pheromones is enabled, your character will emit pheromones which will cause nearby males to gain lust.
Pheromones: Your character will be affect by the pheromones of others, as well as emit pheromones during heat or rut.
Hover Text requires the "Hover Text" attachment to be worn. Type in the text you want to appear above your head, and use the place holders below to add dynamic information. The title is updated every minute, so changes may take up to a minute to appear in-world.
[Name] Your character's name (No title prefix)
[NameTitle] Your character's name with the title prefix
[Title] Your character's current title
[Arousal] Your character's current arousal
[Lust] Your character's current lust
[Health] Your character's current health
[Gender] Your character's gender identity
[Species] Your character's species identity
[SpeciesFull] Your characters full species information
[DTF] Your DTF status (Yes (Dominant), Yes (Submissive), Yes (Switch), No)
[Sex] Your character's sex status (Yes/No, if you're having sex or not)
[NumChildren] Your character's current number of children.
[PregStatus] Your character's pregnancy status (Yes/No, if you have a known pregnancy)
[InHeat] Your character's heat status (Yes/No, if you're in heat or not)
[InRut] Your character's rut status (Yes/No, if you're in rut or not)
[SexDoll] Your Sex Doll status (Yes/No).
[UnqPart] The number of unique sex partners you've had.
[Desires] Your character's current desires.
[Sensitivity] Your character's current sensitivity.
[SexActions] Shows your currently active sex actions.
[PartnerArousal] Shows your partner's current arousal (Only applies if sex actions are being used. Only updates every minute).
[ArousalMeter] Shows your current arousal in form of a meter.
[LustMeter] Shows your current lust in form of a meter.
[PortalUserCount] Shows the number of portals available on the network.
No Venom: Your character will not be able to be injected with, or affected by venom from other players. (Note: Venom in ATLust isn't really poison like it is in the real world. It just causes things like increased arousal or making you more fertile)
STD's: If enabled, your character will be able to be infected by STD's. (Note, the first time you enable this option there is a small chance that you will receive a random infection. This is how STD's are seeded into the system!)
Gender Transformation: If enabled, your character will gradually change genders depending on what sex action your performs, and which items you use. (Being penetrated creates female influence, penetrating creates male influence. Using female items creates female influence, male items male influence)
Species Transformation: If enabled, your character's species will gradually be changed to that of the semen that you receive. Pregnancies will also create species influence.
No Anal: Others will not be able to perform anal actions on your character.
No Oviposition: Others will not be able to oviposit into your character.
List in PENIS: Your character will be listed in the PENIS system, allowing others to find your character and message you (You stay anonymous. Others will not see your SL name, only your character info).
Species information plays a huge role in ATLust, it is what determines your compatibility with other characters. Multiple different species rows can be added to create a mix of different species. It is recommended to use the predefined species to ensure that your character is compatible with others in your species. (IE: Using Mammalia instead of Mammal will break compatibility with other mammals).
Classification: Which class does your species belong to? Most common is mammal
Family: Which family within the classification does your species belong? IE: Canine, feline
Species: Which species within the family? IE: Dog, cat
Variation: This is a minor variation of the species, it will be hyphenated with the species. IE: "Red" will be added to "Fox" to make "Red-fox". Variations do not affect compatibility.
Percent: How much of this species does your character belong? All species rows must total up to 100%.
Your character's organs will determine which capabilities it has. They can also affect how other's are attracted to your character.
Each organ has an ID, if not modified, they will default to "OrganName:IndexNumber" (IE: Womb:0, Womb:1, Womb:2). For most characters, the default ID's will be sufficient, though if your character has multiple organs, you may want to give them more easily identifiable ID's; Especially since your partners will see these ID's as well.
The order of organs may also affect certain things since some scripts and functions may only use the first organ in the list. You can change the order of the organs using the up/down arrow buttons.
Can bring cum to the womb if no vagina is present (For mpreg).
Female organs. Comes in pairs.
Comes in pairs.
Required, even if bald. There is a "Bald" option though.
Comes in pairs. Can be used for penetration actions.
Also includes the stomach.
Used to inject eggs, fertilized an unfertilized, into other characters. Only works if a womb is present. Can still be used without a womb though.
Male organ, used to inseminate others. Testicles are required to actually impregnate others.
The type of skin your character has. Can be customized, but the defaults are bare flesh, fur and scales.
Can be used to penetrate others. Currently has no other function.
Can be used to penetrate others.
Can be used to penetrate others. Currently has no other function.
Necessary for impregnating others.
Necessary for getting cum to the womb.
Current has no function.
Necessary to produce ova.
A custom organ that can be named whatever you want. These organs have a high chance of being inherited by offspring.
You can specify custom adjectives for certain words in RP messages. If none are specified, the defaults will be used. Separate each word with a comma. Do not add "s" at the end for plurals. Those are added inside of the RP message.
Attraction affects your lust gain near other players, and determines whether or not they can tease you (If your character isn't attraction to someone, they won't be able to tease you).
You can specify which traits your character is, or isn't attracted to. The "Attraction Amount" determines how much you like (Positive numbers), or dislike something (Negative numbers). The total attraction score cannot go below -100 or above 100. It is recommended to make sure that your attraction amounts are balanced. Setting them too high could result in your character being extremely attracted to other characters that only match one or two of your desired traits.
The "Required" option will determine whether or not the associated trait is required.
No: The trait is not required and it will be scored appropriately.
Yes (Must have): The trait must be present on the target, otherwise no other traits will be tested and the score will be 0%.
Yes (Must not have): The trait must NOT be present, otherwise no other traits will be tested and the score will be 0%.
Attraction types:
Gender: Tests the other character's gender identity. (Must be exact match, non case sensitive)
Masculine/Feminine: Tests the other character's masc/fem appearance. The variance is a distance from the specified masc/fem appearance. Appearance of 50 and variance of 10 means anything between 40-60 would match.
Species: Tests the other character's species. Supports wild cards, so you could enter mammal,canine,* to match everyone in the canine family.
Hair Color: Tests the other character's hair color. Anything within a 10% variance of the specified color will match.
Eye Color: Tests the other character's eye color. Anything within a 10% variance of the specified color will match.
Skin Type: Tests the other character's skin type and color. Anything within a 10% variance of the specified color will match. The "Any Color" option ignores the color and only matches the skin type.
Tail: Matches if the other character has a tail.
Penis: Tests the other character's penis. Matches if within the specified length (cm).
Vagina: Matches if the other character has a vagina.
Breasts: Tests the other character's breasts. Matches if within the specific cup sizes.
Height: Tests the other character's height. Matches if within the specified heights.
Family: Test the other characters relationship to you. Matches if the character is within the specified relationship range. The variance is the distance from the specified relation amount. A relation amount of 50 and a variance of 10 means anything within 40-60% related would match.
To have you character automatically switch, add the following description to any of your avatar's attachments (Except for HUD's):
ATLCHAR:<Char ID Here>
(Example): ATLCHAR:12345
ATLust periodically scans your attachments for the character ID description, and if found, during the next 'Server tick', will switch to that character. This means it could take up to a minute for the change to occur.
Your characters list will show all characters that you own, or have access to. This includes all children that you've mothered or fathered.
You can filter out characters by using the "Filter" options at the top of the list. To see all usable characters, select the "Adult" type in the filter options. If you have characters imported from V1 or sent to you by another player, use the "Imported" filter type.